“Chewie, We’re Home.”

A Long Time Ago….

As a kid I was blown away by the Star Wars films. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and so many more of these characters captivated me. One character in particular had a very strong emotional effect on me. That character was Chewbacca the Wookiee and he was played by the gentle giant, Peter Mayhew.

Unlike most of the characters in the franchise, Chewbacca couldn’t use words to show emotion. Sure, he was speaking Shyriiwook, a language native to Chewie’s home planet of Kashyyyk, but no one in the movie going audience could understand him. That’s where Peter Mayhew shined despite being confined to a giant fur suit.

Mayhew breathed life into Chewbacca as no one else could have done. Each head movement, roar, eye widening, and shrug told the audience exactly how Chewie felt in the films. We felt his pain when his greatest friend, Han Solo, was encased in carbonite and he roared out in agony. We also felt his joy when he was reunited with his friend in Return of the Jedi. We also understood his mixed feelings of anger and sadness after seeing Han murdered by Kylo Ren. Mayhew was a master of the physical delivery, and it made me very sad when I heard that he passed away on April 30th.

Forever tied to Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Chewbacca was a fan favorite on the screen and Peter Mayhew was a fan favorite off of the screen. He attended numerous conventions across the world and happily signed autographs and took photos with fans. He did this despite having severe issues with his knees. I was fortunate enough to briefly meet him a few years ago in New Orleans at a Wizard World event. I got an autograph and a photo with him.

I’ve reached the age where a number of my heroes from childhood have started to pass away. I used to never cry when celebrities passed, but the loss of performers such as Mayhew, Leonard Nimoy, Carrie Fisher, and Robin Williams have all hit me very hard. Thankfully they will all continue to live on in the work that they left behind.

Thanks for reading my post. Let me know your own thoughts on the loss of Peter Mayhew in the comments section.

Mr. Mayhew, may the Force be with you.

Published by kenfontenot

I am a husband, a father, and a major nerd. I enjoy science fiction, fantasy, comics, cosplay, and attending conventions. I'm also a huge Disney fan. I am growing to enjoy working out, and hope to include that joy in some of my posts.

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